Celebrate Exposing and Ending Involuntary Experiments

 Celebrate Exposing and Ending Involuntary Experiments


What Are Some Of The Possible Current Experiments & Effects Caused By Previous Experiments ?


Is This an Example Of Medical Apartheid? 

The following story is not a experiment but the activity has roots in past unethical experiments.

In Missouri, a 39-year-old Black father died in the parking lot of a hospital after repeatedly being denied treatment. David Bell was turned away twice from the Barnes-Jewish Hospital days before his death despite reporting severe chest pain. " It's not only an example of medical apartheid it's also a example of complete disrespect to all the civil rights and human rights activist of all races period, especially activist of color.

This is as important to change as much as homelessness and police brutality. There's news reports that  report that Black people/ African Americans won't go to the doctor and when we do there is discrimination directed at us sometimes, too many times. This is one of the  causes of African Americans not going to doctors, because health care professionals  are known for turning black and brown people  away from health care, they are keeping people away from seeing a doctor, by refusing to make appointments when called and refusing to see people of color  and some European Americans when they show up in person. Or by  making it a horrible experience when they do go to see them in person by treating them in a discriminatory manner. This is part of the damages done  by "dr. sims" the former father of gynaecology.  There's several types of sim cards, the phone sim cards and the medical sim card. With the medical sim card due to medical apartheid, there's the black sim card and the white sim card, part of the leftover past jim and jane crow laws mentality and practices. This must end and equal quality respectful medical care must be provided to all races of people in the United States. 

Democracy Now! Show link


Jan/2020 Current Day Involuntary Sexual Arousal Experiments In Iowa Stopped

The doctor that was doing sexual arousal experiments on people with disabilities who are intellectually challenged in Iowa care facility has been fired. No charges filed yet according to a YouTube video clip of a Iowa tv news report. 

Apparently the State care facility management knew  about the plans two years before the involuntary sexual arousal experiment took place and gave their approval. Nurses, doctors and other employees faced retaliation for complaints against the experiment. Link to written article at the Associated Press site

Iowa governor tours care facility linked to current human experimentation investigation"  Iowa Tv news clip YouTube https://youtu.be/3FoC_wc6Nzk


Possible Current Experiments 

The Defense Department Plans to Build Radiation-proof CRISPR SoldiersA DARPA project aims to temporarily alter human genes, and shield people from deadly radiation https://onezero.medium.com/the-government-aims-to-use-crispr-to-make-soldiers-radiation-proof-3e18b00c9553” 


July 18 2019 U.S. news headlines from Democracy Now! States:

House Law makers have ordered a investigation into how the U.S. used bioweapons as weapons of war and Lyme disease was mentioned as being part of a human experiment and some believe escaped from a lab, it is approx 10:35 seconds into this video clip "Top U.S. & World Headlines — July 18, 2019" YouTube link


There's also more info on this near the bottom of this page about Lyme disease possibly being used in human experiments. In the section about Plum Island and Counter Punch.

In 2012 Facebook's Admits To Doing Psychological Experiment On Facebook Users

Facebook says the huge psychological experiment it secretly conducted on its users should have been “done differently” and announced a new set of guidelines for how it will approach future research studies."
" News of the research sparked outrage from people who felt manipulated by the company.“What many of us feared is already a reality: Facebook is using us as lab rats, and not just to figure out which ads we’ll respond to but actually change our emotions,” wrote animalnewyork.com,"

 Will Facebook do involuntary experiments on Facebook users again? And was Facebook accountable to Facebook users with compensation for damages? link

Medical Apartheid

"Harriet Washington argues that the infamous “Tuskegee Experiment”—the 40-year study in which black men with syphilis were allowed to die untreated so that their cadavers could be used for research—was not an isolated incident, but rather one example of the medical establishment’s long history of mistreating African Americans."... Topics in her book fall into both the categories of genocide and experimentation.

Author Harriet Washington

Mother Jones Magazine Link

The author mentioned above mentions forced sterilization of women. This happened in the U.S. to Red women/American Indigenous women, Black women/African American women, Yellow women/Asian American women, White/European American women, Brown/Latinx American women and more around the world. In the United States there were high rates of it going towards African American women according to documents that are currently released. It is important to know what information there is, I'm sure there is more information about forced sterilizations that hasn't been released yet. And it still goes on, so there's still work to be done to end sterilizations without consent.


"More recently, California prisons are said to have authorized sterilizations of nearly 150 female inmates between 2006 and 2010."

 "California’s eugenics programs were driven in part by anti-Asian and anti-Mexican prejudice, Southern states also employed sterilization as a means of controlling African American populations." Quotes from pbs.org article

And because of the outcry for justice in 1960s over racist motivated sterilizations that were done, in the 1990s the case of forced sterilizations being done to Black women made the TV news in the 1990s after they occurred not decades later.

The book author Harret Washington talks about experiments of sterilization being done in the past and gives historical facts about it. I'm including her information  on the "possible current experiments page" because more women were sterilized without their consent in recent times, like in the 1980s,1990& forward. I think her insights are relevant to those current events and politics and ideological beliefs that are keeping the belief going that in the mind's of involuntary human experimenters  that it's ok to do involuntary human experiments, regardless of the  nuremberg code.

Number one in the nuremberg code is: "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential."

California was considered an epicenter of the American eugenics movement.

During the 20th centurys first decades, Californias eugenicists included potent but little-known race scientists, such as Army venereal disease specialist Dr. Paul Popenoe, citrus magnate Paul Gosney, Sacramento banker Charles Goethe, as well as members of the California state Board of Charities and Corrections and the University of California Board of Regents."

 "At the Sonoma State Home, some women were sterilized because of what was deemed an abnormally large clitoris or labia."

"Between  1950 & 1960 There were radiation experiments at Sonoma State Developmental Center." Link to Sonoma News

Several possible curently active without consent experiments have been mentioned in recent years, people are concerned about this possibility and appreciate them being exposed.

Human Guinea Pigs: Involuntary Medical Experimentation - A Global Perspective" this lecturer says many involuntary human experiments occur in other countries funded by the United States government, carried out by the military and pharmaceutical companies. Some are done in the U.S. but a large number of them are done in South America and Africa. She says she can't show all the photos because they're too awful. YouTube https://youtu.be/PANLYrNeQtk

Possible Current Experiments Without Consent?

Metal Particles Sprinkled in The Sky

Link to a tv meteorologist mentioning in the weather report, link. This is also called chemtrails which are different than the usual contrails and many people including doctors and scientists  warn scientists involved to stop and are informing the public about it.



Haarp Effects The Ionosphere

There are questions about Haarp being a harmful experiment that heats up the ionosphere, some scientists say it's harmless and many are sound an alter that it has a bad effect. "HAARP could easily tear a hole in the ionosphere that might never go away. It will make it harder for sunscreen to work." Nick Begich and Jeane Manning.

In my opinion it's important to watch out, currently we can't fry meats or veggies without causing harmful oxidation.  Most cut out or cut back on eating fried foods so we don't want fried ionosphere. Link to short clip about Haarp. Dr. Nick Begich wrote a book and Jeane Manning called Angels Don't Play This HAARP about this technology and it's hundreds of uses. Dr. Nick Being also mentioned the article The Mind Has No Firewall Link

Are Unlabeled GMO Foods a without consent experiment in the USA?

People in over 60 countries across the world have the ability to choose whether or not they buy GMO foods, because labeling is required. But not here in the U.S., where powerful interests lobby to keep us in the dark about what we’re eating. Link

Gmo Labeling now it's the law to label foods with Gmo, the Obama administration created this law.

The Trump administration has started changes to alter that law of Gmo labeling. Link

 On news in the 1990s several black women were said to be mentally ill a lie told on them by doctors who used that lie as a excuse to do surgical procedures to stop them from having children. 

Counter Punch
OCTOBER 25, 2013
The Deadly Secrets of Plum Island
“Lab 257” also maintains that there is a link between the Plum Island center and the emergence of Lyme disease. It “suddenly surfaced” 10 miles from Plum Island “in Old Lyme, Connecticut in 1975.” Carroll cites years of experimentation with ticks on Plum Island and the possibility of an accidental or purposeful release.
“The tick is the perfect germ vector,” says “Lab 257,” “which is why it has long been fancied as a germ weapon by early biowarriors from Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan to the Soviet Union and the United States.” Link

Plum Island Animal Disease Center
in the section;
Diseases studied and outbreaks
Lab 257, a book by Michael C. Carroll, has alleged a connection between Plum Island Animal Disease Center and the outbreaks of three infectious diseases: West Nile virus in 1999, Lyme disease in 1975, and Dutch duck plague in 1967 Link

V2K / Military Weapon
Directed Sound (D.S.) weapons etc. has been mentioned as a possible experiment on the Discovery Channel shows about Mind Control, its been mentioned in several other places as well books, radio &  along with other TV stations like channel 6 in the central valley of California a copy was uploaded to Google's you tube.

Mosquito born virus mentioned on the radio news show "The Democracy Now!" in the 1990s as a possible experiment in  Ny on Plum Island.

Ceeie Holiday?

Possible Covered Up Involuntary


The MontaukProject?

The Philadelphia Experiment? Did they occur?

Review of documentaries and books about The Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project, link

The Montauk Project


Philadelphia Experiment

link to video  about the research into them, link

Philadelphia Experiment

From the US Navy History Files “After many years of searching, the staff of the Archives and independent researchers have not located any official documents that support the assertion that an invisibility or teleportation experiment involving a Navy ship occurred at Philadelphia or any other location.” Link