Celebrate Exposing and Ending Involuntary Experiments

 Celebrate Exposing and Ending Involuntary Experiments



When did a internet search to what information was online I went to Wikipedia and they had links to the black vault and the cia foia site.

Some of the info here is from the Black Vault site & the CIA Freedom of Information Act (FOIA website Results from a site search on CIA Mkultra documents.   There were 100s of Mkultra subprojects. Some of the things mentioned aren't new tactics some if it has been mentioned in books about very old historical political time periods around the world. When people used a variety of military tactics. Which involved research and even human experiments. Ethical experiments aren't bad it the ones that are unethical that folks are concerned about preventing. So now in modern times we as a humanity have attempted to changed many things for the better, ending without consent experiments is one of those things. And those types if endings should continue if there are any without consent experiments currently exposed which is desired by many people.

1953-1960:   Technical  Service  Division  of  CIA  had  initiated  144 mkultra  subprojects  related  to  the  control of  human  behavior  between  1953-1963  (p. 21). subprojects. 13.

  Single  subprojects  in  such  areas  as  effects  of  electro-shock,  harassment  techniques  for  offensive  use,  analysis  of  extrasensory  perception,  gas  propelled  sprays and  aerosols,  and  four  subprojects  involving  crop  and  material  sabotage.

From the The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA website results from a site search on Artichoke:

Artichoke In 1954 a document mentions the Artichoke team experimenters didn't believe it possible to hypnotize a person to do their will, assassinate etc. based academic professors they said.

Later May 1955 in another document about Artichoke the team sited a news story where the murder was released and the person who hypnotized them was arrested This they said made them distrust academic experts on hypnotism.

Suggested the word is confusion, susceptibility is better. Left a open invitation to pursue the experiment of hypnosis on humans to do someone's wishes. 

There is Mkultra documents about sulfide studies: that mentions studies may lead to new approaches for energy transfer systems (bio battery) and deterioration of metal. Dated July 1962. Bacteriology of Mineral Sulfide;

The study involved the manganese and iron oxides, occurring in large numbers in ocean-floor sediment. Link to declassified Mkultra document

The CIA documents on project Artichoke and Mkultra and others are interesting to read. Some of them are online at the The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA website and The black vault website and many others if you want to read them.