Celebrate Exposing and Ending Involuntary Experiments

 Celebrate Exposing and Ending Involuntary Experiments


International Celebrate Exposing and Ending Involuntary Experiments Day

Ceeie = Celebrate  Exposing & Ending involuntary Experiments:
This issue deserves a holiday and should never be a forgotten part of human history. The inhuman part of doing w/out consent experiments to human beings shouldn't be forgotten, the victims should be respectfully mourned and the very human, humane history aka ourstory of human beings  exposing and putting w/ out consent experiments to a end should be remembered and celebrated.

This issue not only deserves a holiday it deserves festivals etc. to educate and prevent further human right violations. And to give a big thank you  to those who expose and end without informed consent wrong experiments on human beings.    

I developed a interest in this in the 1970s and 80s and in the 1990s my father shared some of his military records with me and told me to work on it. In some of the papers he gave me in writing it said in response to my father's reason for going to the doctor, with a very clear scar on his stomach area: "This negroes came in here complaining about stomach problems but his real problem is: he's is smarter than more negroes but he's not as smart white people.

The file or paper also says he was treated for Syphilis and released; which again he had a stomach scar with a military wound complaint. He went for medical treatment not a IQ test or a test of his intelligence.  My father respected all of his teacher regardless of their race, however at time his teachers were black people. My father respected all of his  Black aka Negro teachers who taught him during segregation years in the United States and those who taught him after segregation was over he didn't like or believe this insult in his military records. On my birth certificate it states mother & child tested for Syphilis and both don't have it. Even if he had  syphilis he wouldn't have deserved to be insulted.

Hundreds of other Blacks Americans and Americans of all races have these type insults in writing or were told the types insults my father got by medical workers some in the military and some not in the military. People of colour have a higher percentage of this types of mistreatment.  Efforts in exposing the truth about it are increasing.

After reading those papers my father mailed to me my interest in this topic increased. I came up with  a holiday idea aka suggestion to the public to help everyone remember this issue.

Of course this isn't to end Respectful ethical research done with consent of each person. And to suggest scientists and doctors who want to do experiments on people without their consent a alternative is for those scientists and doctors to experiment on  each other with informed consent. All jokes aside. This is all about the hard work people have done for years  to expose and end inhuman without consent experiments on human beings.

Song lyric excerpt: Celebrate the stopping of those experiments that we know we put to a end, Celebrate the efforts to expose any other experiments going on so we can put 'em to an end.

[  *this  website was started in Nov 2015 for stop Iwoe/Ceeie, stop dew n it ; I took offline in 2007.] This site's contents is a rough draft  and does contain grammar errors and still being worked on.