Celebrate Exposing and Ending Involuntary Experiments

 Celebrate Exposing and Ending Involuntary Experiments


Ended Experiments

Lets make it a international holiday to celebrate the exposing and ending of w/out consent experiments

Lets make it a international holiday to celebrate the exposing and ending of w/out consent experiments

June/2021 Update: At the bottom of the page in the "Possible Covered Up Experiments" section

Tuskegee Syphillis Experiment or study done to approximately 625 black men ended in the 1970s. Black women were delibertly infected with syphillis during the Tuskegee involuntary human experiment? this should be researched more.

There have been many concerned people in the USA about the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment who've said they believed some people were given syphilis, they were told no way, those black men already had it. Yet there are documents stating the same doctors experimenting on Blacks for their Tuskegee experiment wrote they did give syphilis to people in Guatemala. This not impossible that they also did this in the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment like did in Guatemala. Their belief was Black people were inferior and suffered differently than White people did with syphilis, wouldn't their goal have been to prove that Black people were inferior and not admit they gave them syphilis? Some of the family members of some of the Black men who had antibiotics withheld have said they do not believe their relatives were given syphilis, they believe the Experiment was only about withholding medicine that would cure it not giving them the disease.

With this coming out about those same doctors giving it to people in another country, the truth people need to stop the non-sense and acknowledge the Black women and men that they delibertly gave syphilis to. They willfully didn't treat Black men some of whom were married to women or men while they had syphilis and passed it on to their significant others, this my opinion about the delibert infection in the United States of African Americans  by Dr. Cutler and others. Link to The Frightening Legacy of US Syphilis Experiments in Guatemala"  YouTube link


More about this at the bottom of the page.

Secret chemical testing in St. Louis neighborhoods during Cold War raising new concerns. Testing zinc cadmium sulfide with radioactive particles in people in low income housing projects.  Link to news report YouTube

Link 2

Sleeping Sickness Experiments:

I don't have the number of how many white men were experimented on during one of the Sleeping Sickness Experiments mentioned in a PBS special about the Tuskegee Syphilis; another experiment.  Some authors say it was over 800 men others say it was 441 men at Stateville Prison malaria experiments went on for 29 years also ended. The Sleeping Sickness Experiment done on white men was without consent also.

America's shocking secret:

"U.S. officials also acknowledged there had been dozens of similar experiments in America - studies that often involved making healthy people sick. Many prominent researchers felt it was legitimate to experiment on people who did not have full rights in society - people like prisoners, mental patients or the poor blacks.

article headline: "Pictures that show how U.S. experimented on its own disabled citizens and prison inmates."

Cancer Experiments Plan To Hurt Puerta Ricians Exposed and a Doctor Rhoads stripped of a Prize Award: there have been several mentioned; one mentioned involves genocide based on nationality wriiten about  by Dr. Cornelius Rhoads who states They [Puerto Ricans] are beyond doubt the dirtiest, laziest, most degenerate and thievish race of men ever inhabiting this sphere. It makes you sick to inhabit the same island with them. They are even lower than Italians. What the island needs is not public health work but a tidal wave or something to totally exterminate the population. It might then be livable. I have done my best to further the process of extermination by killing off 8 and transplanting cancer into several more".  I originally heard thismentioned in a radio interview with Dr. Leonard Horowitz and it's also mentioned in one of his books.

Other writings state Dr C.Rhoads was intoxicated when he wrote the above statements about Puerto Ricans. Wikipedia states; "a new investigation.[8] It was led by Jay Katz, emeritus professor at Yale Law School and a specialist in medical ethics. He concluded there was no evidence of unethical human experimentation, but the letter was so offensive that the prize should be renamed. AACR concurred and stripped the honor from Rhoads because of his racism."

Another cancer experiment was mentioned on PBS TV a doctor gave out shopping certificates to the wives and husbands of victims in their cancer experiments. When asked by a news reporter why the doctors didn't inject each other with cancer and research that, the doctor was angry, clearly didn't want w/o consent experiments done to them, actual inhuman.  

Cancer Study

more than 1,200 men living in flophouses on the Bowery signed up for Dr. Hudson’s study in the 1950s and ‘60s, neither his academic peers nor the federal officials overseeing his grants criticized his ethics, but times have changed. Two papers published on Thursday in the American Journal of Public Health and the Bulletin of the History of Medicine prompted medical historians to denounce this largely forgotten chapter in the history of government-financed medical research on vulnerable populations.

They said the Bowery study was unethical,... Link

The Plutonium Files: America's Secret Medical Experiments.

Most of the subjects, Welsome says, were poor, powerless, and sick. Link

Project Artichoke- MkUltra

MkUltra exposed in the 1970s and in 1979 on a ABC News show Closeup. Now said to be over. Frank White's statement about raping & drugging people are in this video.  Years after this experiment was ended we see news reports about women getting drugged with date rape drugs and raped still occurring.  Some authors have raised the question is it really over or did experimenters change the name of project?

More on Mkultra & Senate Hearings. From declassified documents. Black Vault Senate Hearings Link

Senate Hearings Link 2


Experimentation on Americans. Link

There is a lot of information online that will come up in a internet search that will give you a long list of without consent experiments on human beings. It's worth it to check it out. Many people have sincere distrust and questions about the eithics of  experiments done on human beings without their consent. We must learn from the past and not allow a repeat of without consent experiments.

These questions are important to consider and give  truthful answers.

More Thoughts On The Tuskegee's Syphilis experiment

Tuskegee Syphilis experiments were cruel and racist. Some folks like to say: "If you don't want racism stop talking about it, it exist because people talk about it." And "I'm so sick of people talking about racism, rape, homophobia, homelessness, slavery and community based harassment."

The first people experimented on were not even imagining someone would experiment on them and they certainly weren't  talking about anyone experimenting on them without consent when it was done the first time to the first people it happened to, they didn't draw it to them with so called negative thinking that's bullshit or better said I shouldn't blame bulls it belongs to humans and it not true.

Here's the real solution: You don't get to control what people think it causes rebellion, rightfully so. And

If you really don't want people to talk about oppression, racism, homelessness, homophobia, rape, and community based harassment then make sure it's not done and make sure people are healed from already been done and they might not talk about it, I did say might. Because it's not good to forget from where we came, what we survived so it won't be sneaking up on people again.

I mentioned in the info underneath the flyer that Norman Walker calls sickle cell bad blood, I also mentioned in other articles Tuskegee's Syphilis victims were lied to and on. Someone wanted those folks to reply when asked what's wrong bad blood so they would sound ignorant and it was misused to keep them in ignorance about the real details of what was really wrong. The people conducted that experiment didn't  go to jail for hurting 625 people and their families.

With that said I'm glad it was exposed and ended. Link to part of the Syphilis Experiment Report link

For those involuntary Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment participants  with syphilis "and though penicillin became widely available during this time, the men were denied the medicine by researchers and were prevented from seeking it elsewhere." Link

Possible Covered Up Involuntary



The Montauk Project?

The Philadelphia Experiment? Did they hide the information?

Philadelphia Experiment teleportation video clip, link

Ancient Aliens: Invisibility Tech Discovered in Greek Myth (Season 6)  History Channel" A university in Texas has been studying making things Invisible. This is something that some folks have been called names for saying that is has been not only studied but been put into action. The university in Texas has developed techniques to cloak, which is also something has been mention by former military personnel, that they claim was researched and experiments were done with it as well.  On YouTube https://youtu.be/wCRo7U8g2jM

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